We use traditionally and modern, proven joinery techniques that has been used for generations in traditional joinery. Our joints will not start to come apart after a while, like some DIY and budget joinery shops and stores, we use the correct joint for the right job.
We use fully morticed and tenoned joints in our doors and slot tenons for windows. This produces flush corners, so there are no horns to remove, preventing the ends from going untreated before installation.
All the parts guaranteed for 10 years of normal use, providing the products are maintained correctly. This is our standard guarantee, but the products we make will last generations of enjoyment for the family.
The finishing products that we use are covered by the manufactures themselves i.e. paints and stains are guaranteed for up to 6 years unless stated.
Sealed glass units in the windows and doors are guaranteed for 10 years usually by the manufacturer, but again, in a wooden window, door or conservatory should last for decades, unlike PVC U where excessive movement causes the seals to fail, allowing humidity to get between the glass units, and then needs replacing.